Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Work Out High

Went to the gym today feeling "blah". After 30 minutes of cardio, I started to come alive. My work out was tough but I felt revived. I'm tired and sore but had the energy to come home wash the dog, scrub the bathtub and vacuum some rooms. I worked on the docent calendar, showered, then took it into the museum. Dropped by the gym to give Shaun the info on a book I had promised him. Stopped by "Pony Espresso" for an iced tea, then headed home. I did laundry, worked on the computer to get our e-mail working and created a prototype "restaurant menu" for the "5 Monkeys Restaurant" (the grandkids). Made dinner for Mike and me and the dogs. Long day. I just remembered I watered all the plants before going to the gym!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Learning Curve

This blogging is harder than it looks! Fortunately I have Melissa to guide me through this maze of "settings" and "options" and "labels"!